Sunday, December 29, 2013

congratulations tu ME!

Assalamualaikum.. and selamat sejahtera!

Alhamdulillah PMR is finally come to and end and all the batch of sweet 98' had received their result..
Mine wasn't that bad. Hahahaha. Because i've suceed getting beautiful straight A's !!
That certainly the most happy day of my life. Serious. I just make my parents proud and that is more than enough. Besides the fact that i got my own handphone !! Finally. Touchscreen lak tu :3

Anyway, for the first time, since puberty , my father hug me and kiss me on the cheek with joy!
The best moment I guess. Hahahahaha.
He kind of shocked with my result because i don't seem to be serious on studying. (but I am serious)

So, i am planning to go to another school, beside SMKSP.
Yeah.. try running away from reality in SMKSP? i guess not.
I just want to learn LK and stuff since i took a lot of interest in that.

I would really want to take 'kejuruteraan awam' as my course. it is my DREAM COURSE.

Dah mohon. So , InsyaAllah dengan Izin Allah, saya diterima masuk ke sekolah teknik itu. hehehe
 Hoping for the Best! >_<

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